Welcome to Petzdelite

Pets are a delight. They play with us, make us laugh, and love us unconditionally until death us do part - all too soon. They arrive in our homes, move into our hearts, and take over the couch. They teach our children responsibility, how to care for something other than themselves, and they teach the grown ups how to play again.

Whether you are a dog, cat, bird, fish or reptile lover, our pets bring us hours of pleasure and fun.

At Petzdelite we will give you advice and information on dogs and cats, and offer some great books and products that you can buy to help you be the best owner you can be. We earn a commission on these sales.

I have had dogs in my family since I was 5 years old. I inherited my first cat when a boyfriend moved abroad. I have had both ever since. I'm therefore not a firm believer in the cats or dogs but never both school of thought - I am a cat and dog person, and probably always will be.  Fortunately, all three of my dogs get on well with my two cats, and the most danger anyone has been in was when our German Shepherd, Leo, discovered he could no longer fit through the cat flap and almost got stuck. He still loves the cat flap though, and uses it as his lookout point when the door is closed. If we all go out at night, he tends to try and chew it off, a bit like tunneling his way to freedom, so the door's in a bit of a sorry state now.
My parents have always gathered strays. Our first family dog, Shandy, was a cross cocker spaniel and border collie from the RSPCA in Scotland. She travelled all the way to South Africa by ship with us! I have three dogs and two cats of my own now, and they bring us much joy. That's our German Shpeherd at the top of the page, a few days after we collected him from the breeder. He has a labrador and a border collie to keep hm company, a tabby to ignore him and a Burmese/Siamese to play hide and seek with.